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Meet Laurie

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Welcome to my page! I am an educator, artist and home school mom. In 2016, I gave up a 16 year career in the education system to be home with my children. With them I have been able to develop my professional and personal goals based in community work farther than the school system allowed. My children have helped me develop my voice to advocate for marginalized people in various areas of our communities. I truly believe that our children will lead us to greatness. The forum section of this site allows me to share those stories.


 My children have also helped me develop my artistry and work from home. They have taught me that it takes a village. One day, I mentioned to a friend that I would love to learn how to sew. She just happened to have one that she had never used. As more friends found out they have passed forward fabric and support to develop my craft. Everything I sell has been passed to me through the kindness of my community in some way. It is because of all of them that I am where I am today. Thank you for sharing all that you do with me and developing the #teachlove brand.

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